Fish Tales from Your President’s Perspective.
Have you seen the price of eggs lately? Now, they are saying coffee beans are sky rocketing. So, what does this have to do with fishing? For one thing, now I have to make a choice between chicken eggs and nightcrawlers, between coffee or power bait—you get the picture. I think it’s time we took the bull by the horns and fix this stuff.
Everyone knows fish eggs are better all around than chicken eggs, so instead of hav ing chicken coops in our yards, we should have fish coops. Growing environments that allow easy harvest of this important food source. Did you know that fish eggs have an extremely high nutritional value - they do? I know the “Free Rangers” will have a cow about this, but if they do, they are producing excess greenhouse gases. Anyhow, with just one ocean sunfish we could produce 3,000,000 (source National Geographic) eggs a year. WOW!!! Another benefit to fish egg ranching is waste; yes, the waste products produced are very beneficial for agriculture. So the waste pro duced can increase your yields of produce in your gardens or orchards or whatevers. Also disease, fish don’t get bird flu, another amazing phenomenon.
I could care less about the price of coffee beans (I’m a tea drinker myself ), but many of you are coffee addicts. Well, for you, I say cow pellets; yep, you heard me right. With an unlimited supply of cow droppings, add heat and a little pressure, and you get cow pellets. These babies are perfect for your early morning pick-me-up. They have a distinct aroma and produce a flavorful cup of Joe. Since they are a by-product, we are achieving the 3 R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle. And to top it off, the cost of a cup should be pennies. What an inflation beater!
With a few more of these ideas, you might be able to afford a ¾ day or maybe a 1 ½ day boat trip every month. Now, that’s worth it by itself. Now is the time for you to take charge of these unpalatable prices and create cheaper and more environmen tally sound innovations. In the meantime, I’m off to the tackle store to get some bait. I will see you on the water with my cup of tea, knowing all will be better in the world.