Fish Tales from Your President’s Perspective.
For those of you who were not at the last meeting, you will now have a new President, well, er, sort of. Next year, the President will be Paul Lorson, and an entourage of ex-presidents to assist me. I am so excited for our new year (my last year as President).
Our club is on the move again and growing. We will be in our new location starting January 10 and have our first camping outing from January 23 through January 28; we will have new members of the board, Nicki Lovejoy, Ron Casapulla, and Jim Macisaac. Welcome aboard!!!!!
I also want to thank all of you who helped with the Trout Derby. It was another successful and fun-filled event. By the time you read this, we will have had our Awards Banquet and Holiday Party at the Cocina Del Charro in San Marcos. We are looking forward to another fun and tasty holiday gathering. I hope we’ll see you there.
We will begin planning for 2025 and want your input. We are looking for new events and/or new locations. We are also looking for new presenters. If you have any suggestions for these items, contact one of our board members.
This club is a great place because of you. Share this with your friends and neighbors and ask them to join. Have an awesome holiday season and an exciting New Year.